Word of the Week: Exodus 20:15
August 7, 2019
This past Sunday I made the statement that, in regard to relationships, the heart of stealing is essentially devaluing another person. This kind of thought is like “power food” for us. It may not be the most desirable thing to hear, as it asks us to become introspective. But it is something that, when we contemplate it, will strengthen us and our relationships. It will help us better assess our own relationships in light of God’s command to love one another.
But let’s consider the other side of things! Can you recall a time when someone you care about deeply added value to your life? Perhaps they gave you a thank you note, shot you an encouraging text out of the blue, spoke a kind word to you in person, or demonstrated an act of selfless giving of themself for you. These kinds of things mean the world to me, personally, and I’m sure you can relate!
When the Apostle Paul wrote the church in Ephesus and touched upon how the 8th Commandment (“You shall not steal”) applies to believers, he used powerful language—grace talk. “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need” (Ephesians 4:28). Because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, his love, and his mercy toward us in the gospel, Paul admonished the church to live lives of graciousness toward one another.
So how has God uniquely gifted you to be a blessing to your brothers and sisters in Christ? How has he shown you his redeeming love in your own life. When we see and behold the splendor of God’s grace toward us in Christ, we won’t be able to help but emanate his kindness toward those around us, like the moon radiates the light of the sun.
As you go about your day today, would you consider and chew on these words from Ephesians 5?
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”