Word of the Week: 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:5

February 27, 2019

“For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before out Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.” 1 Thess 2:19–20

Growing up in the 1990s, I saw a ton of motivational posters in both my elementary school and middle school. They often said things to the extent of “Whatever the mind can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve.” Another one said, “Chase your dreams!” with the image of a young man trailing behind a young woman as they ran cross-country together.

These motivational posters were more than a bit cheesy, and by the 2000s a number of so-called de-motivational posters became quite popular. The “Chase your dreams!” poster with the young man running behind the young woman was replaced with the words “Just let her go, man. She’s not interested in you!”

All joking aside, we often can become “de-motivated” in life. We’re faced with challenges too big for us to tackle. The decisions of others affect us in ways that we cannot control. And those dreams we once had as kids are met with the limits of a thing called Reality.

Like we considered this past Sunday, the church in Thessalonica was beset with doubts. Perhaps similar thoughts as the aforementioned, but nevertheless they felt discouraged. The Apostle Paul spoke, by way of the Holy Spirit, directly to these doubts by reminding them of who they were. They were beloved by God and chosen by him and precious in both his sight… and those in leadership over them.

Just like those under the care of leaders—whether these influencers be parents, teachers, pastors, or others in a position of authority—leaders themselves can often become discouraged. For instance, in the text of 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:5, Paul himself was discouraged that he was unable to be present with the floundering church in Thessalonica. But notice how he stated that this people—who were loved, chosen, and precious—were the hope and joy and crown of boasting before the Lord Jesus at his coming.

When you think of those whom you have the privilege of serving, I would encourage you to follow Paul’s example and look at the fact that your labor is not in vain. When you provide for and serve and love those under your own care, consider that your work is done ultimately for the glory of the Lord.

At the coming of our Lord Jesus at the end of the age, we’ll have the joy of delighting in the work that he has given us. Though we do so imperfectly now, we can rest in the fact that as Christians, our work can be done for the glory of the Lord, as we humbly and quietly serve those under our care. So—motivation time—let’s make much of Jesus in our work. And as we serve those under our protection and care, let us exemplify the love and compassion and tender mercies of Christ.




Love and Redemption