Rhythms of Rest: Transforming Relationships

June 26, 2019

Robots in disguise. Blazing fast cars, planes, and trucks turning into powerful robots on a whim and fighting over the welfare of the planet. These were the things I used to dream about as a kid! I had an obsession at an early age with all things Transformers and “Beast Wars” (the 90s CGI take on the 80s cartoon).

There was something so fascinating to me about seeing a creaturely machine shape shift into a new form. The mystery that captivated me wasn’t that the robot turned from one being into an entirely new being, but rather that it changed its form coherently from one recognizable object to a humanoid in a matter of seconds. The original creature/machine had the same DNA as the end result, but its strength and abilities adapted to the occasion. And their change from one form into another wasn’t without purpose. The robots had to adapt to the specific occasion. Evil had to be overcome by good in specific ways, and the show taught me that, when duty calls, people and ideals are worth the sacrifice of one’s own welfare.

As Christians, we are admonished in Romans 12:2 to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of our minds—minds that are set upon God and his ways. The contrast here between being conformed and being transformed is stated simply, but the meaning of this admonition is remarkably profound. In essence, we gravitate toward the things we set our minds upon. We either seek to change or be changed in any given circumstance. We begin to look more and more like that which we behold. Certainly, we might think oftentimes that we are unchanged by our interactions, but 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us not to be deceived into this line of thinking, for keeping bad company corrupts good character.

Granted, it is not as though association in and of itself corrupts a person, for Christ himself taught us that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but rather what comes out of him (Matt 15:11). Asceticism is not the answer, but rather a transformed mind that is captivated by God, ready to engage in the operations of the world. In other words, it’s not a matter of “when,” but “as.”

As you go into situations that test your patience and try your faith, here are a few questions to consider:

- Do we seek to conform to the unhealthiness we experience or go about our interactions as one whose mind is guarded by the truth of God’s Word?

- Do we use spiritual discernment and wisdom in thinking God’s thoughts after him in the situation at hand?

- Do we desire to live holy lives in the sight of God our Father out of worship to him?

As Christians, we have an incredible opportunity to engage the culture around us with the love of Christ—boldly. And when we engage each other with this love of Christ that we know in the gospel, we provide rest for one another; we give relief and comfort to those in need, even when we aren’t aware of all the needs they carry.

When we seek to be transformed by the renewing of our minds after God’s will, we can’t help but be a blessing to others. We become a safe haven to others in the midst of life’s difficulties and our relationships begin to blossom. We prove to be image-bearing children of God who are smitten by the love Christ and are ready to love, protect, and care for others in transformative ways.


Word of the Week: Exodus 20:7


Rhythms of Rest: Time Away