Fostering a Heart of Gratitude
September 5, 2019
One of the mysteries of the Christian Faith is how the Lord shapes us and molds us into conformity with his Son in time. In last week’s sermon, I alluded to how the Lord uses trials of various kinds to produce in us steadfastness (James 1:2–4). Furthermore, sufferings produce endurance, which in turn produce character, followed by lasting hope.
Do you desire a genuine hope that is without the fear of shamed or being unfounded? According to Romans 5:1–5, this kind of suffering-wrought, enduring, wholly-confident hope is what is produced when a follower of Christ is basked in the light of God’s love.
When a houseplant that has been often kept in the corner of the living room is placed in direct sunlight for a week, talk about the change that occurs! Given the right exposure, water, and nutrients, light green leaves start to spring forth from the stalks, branching upward toward the sunlight. The new growth may begin to spread out and advance, almost as if the plant is smiling.
This is similar to our own lives as Christians, isn’t it? When placed in the right conditions of exposure to God’s love, grace, and favor—no matter the happenings of years gone by—our souls experience a kind of unspeakable gratitude. Our hearts become filled with God’s peace, joy, empathy, and compassion. The Spirit of Christ himself works these things deep within us. Don’t we long to become more and more controlled by the Spirit and so characterized by such things?
A heart of gratitude toward God is fostered when we humbly rely upon him. Like listening to a soft violin sing, when we hear the melody of God’s love in the midst of our daily employments and interactions, we begin to appreciate him and become increasingly grateful—i.e. characterized by his grace.
If you desire to be so characterized by the fullness of God’s grace, would you make Psalm 25:4–5 your prayer today?
“Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long."